New AAN CAN Contest: A Taste of Italy!

The ad rep who sells the most new advertising into the AAN CAN network between now and May 31, 2006, will win a fantastico trip to Italy. The winner and a guest will spend three nights in Rome and three nights in Venice. Airfare, hotel accommodations, and rail service between the two cities is included.

AAN will also provide a “mini” Taste of Italy prize to the classified manager at the winning sales rep’s paper, in apprezzamento for participating in the AAN CAN network and encouraging the rep to sell. The manager’s prize includes a top-of-the-line espresso maker and a Gucci messenger bag made from Italian leather.

To qualify as new, advertisers must be either brand-new accounts or lapsed advertisers who haven’t run an ad in the AAN CAN Network in at least 60 days. Ads for which payment has not been received by the end of the contest do not qualify.

For more information, please e-mail Tiffany Kildale at or call (202) 289-8484.

Some restrictions may apply. If you have questions, contact us for more details. Buona fortuna!