New Times Broward-Palm Beach’s Exclusive Incest Scoop

September 26, 2006

This week’s New Times Broward-Palm Beach features an exclusive story about Fisher Island millionaire Bruce McMahan’s sexual relationship with his daughter, which culminated in a secret wedding at Westminster Abbey in 2004. In “Daddy’s Girl,” staff writer Kelly Cramer draws from court documents and interviews to portray the strange obsession that one of America’s richest money managers had for a daughter he only learned existed in 1990 when she was a sophomore in college.

Eight years after taking her into the family fold, daddy turned lover. After their bizarre union in London, McMahan and his daughter broke up, and their split eventually spawned five lawsuits in five different states.

Read the story, watch daughter-wife Linda testify about the affair on her video deposition, and see original — now sealed — court documents at Contact:
Tony Ortega
New Times Broward-Palm Beach

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