Philadelphia City Paper Announces New ‘Journalism of InAction’

PHILADELPHIA, PA (August 8, 2007) — In response to San Francisco Chronicle editor Phil Bronstein’s announcement that his paper will take a new approach to coverage that he likens to that practiced by William Randolph Hearst, which he calls “Journalism of Action,” Curci has decided that his alt-weekly, City Paper, should move in the opposite direction.

Mr. Curci stated that “in this business, you have to pay close attention to the trends in mainstream media … when they zig, we have to zag.”

He added, “As a fiercely independent alt-weekly, we’ve been inspiring our readers to take action on any number of issues for over 25 years, but with this new development … well, my instincts tell me that perhaps it’s time to shift gears and take a seat on the sidelines, just as Mr. Bronstein’s paper apparently has all these years.”

“We’ll stop short of insisting that our readers ‘do nothing’ in response to our weekly coverage of local issues, but we’ll do our best to water things down enough so that it’s clear that we have no interest at all in what we cover.”

“Strategically, that could allow us to capture that elusive ‘apathetic’ market that advertisers salivate over, like auto dealers and mortgage brokers, for example.”

Paul Curci
Philadelphia City Paper
p: 215.825.2480

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