Recordings of Convention Talks Available

Twenty-four presentations made at the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies convention in San Antonio June 25 and 26 were recorded by Professional Programs in Santa Clarita, Calif. They’re available as individual cassettes for $10 each, with discounts available for purchases of more than six. All 24 live sessions are also available on an MP3 audio CD-ROM for $99.95.

The recordings allow those who attended the convention to listen again to a favorite session or to hear one that was missed due to a schedule conflict or foggy state of mind. And those who were unable to make the trip to San Antonio have a chance to become armchair convention goers (parties not included).

To download an order form, click here. To get a sense of the quality of the recordings and the caliber of the discourse, you can listen to Professional Programs’ recording of Gerald H. Goldstein’s First Amendment luncheon speech by clicking here. For more information, call Professional Programs at 661-255-7774.