Sacramento News & Review Names Foon Rhee as Editor

Sacramento News & Review has named Foon Rhee as its editor-in-chief. Rhee has nearly 35 years of journalism experience, as a reporter for The Charlotte Observer and an editor for The News & Observer and The Boston Globe, and since 2010, he was an associate editor and editorial board member at The Sacramento Bee. In his editor’s note, he writes:

I decided the News & Review is where I can make the biggest difference. And I’m betting that a lot of people in Sacramento and beyond want a news source produced by a staff that is deeply rooted in the community and cares deeply about its future.

SN&R has a proud history and a clear mission: To speak truth to power. To give voice to the voiceless. To tell untold stories.

That isn’t changing. In the months ahead, we also expect to expand coverage of schools, faith, the arts. And we plan to add more voices with commentaries, essays and interviews. Our goal is to become an even larger presence and more prominent forum in the community. (Read more.)