Santa Barbara Independent Sales Manager to be Replaced by Two People


Randy Campbell
Santa Barbara Independent
805-965-5205 x132
randy (at)

After 15 years as sales manager for the Santa Barbara Independent, each year better than the previous, Tom Morey (at left in photo) has been replaced: with two people.

Jen Malkin and Robby Robbins (center and at right in photo) will now serve as advertising directors dividing the awesome task of sales management. Robbins will concentrate on bringing sales in the door and Malkin lords over production and marketing. Morey remains part of the sales management team focusing the local arts community.

Morey, who was hired in 1989 as a classified telemarketer for the Santa Barbara Independent, became general sales manager in 1993, replacing longtime (and current) Independent sales advocate Laszlo Hodosy. Each of the 15 years saw expanded revenue and page count for the Independent, with 2007 yielding a 120+ page per issue average for the weekly.

Robbins started his media journey in 1988 with a Durham, N.C. daily. After six years of learning tricks of the trade, he leapt into the world of alternative weekly publications. He enjoyed 12 very successful years with the Independent in N.C., and when opportunity presented itself in Santa Barbara, Robbins pulled up his southern roots and headed West. After two years of substantial growth in classified and online advertising, we look forward to continued success with him at the sales helm.

Prior to joining the Independent in 2003, Jen Malkin represented corporate America as a recruiter for a national software firm and customer service manager for an international footwear company. She joined the company to put to better use her three liberal arts majors in the business side of the arts. Her areas of responsibility at the Independent are broad, from sponsoring and planning community events, to insuring accurate, on-time production of advertising on the website and newspaper, and weaving a common thread of communication and mission between editorial, sales, and advertising production.

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