Steve Monaco’s Couch Pundit Blog Returns to City Pages

City Pages is proud to announce the return of Steve Monaco and the Couch Pundit blog

After a seven-month sabbatical, City Pages is proud to welcome back Steve Monaco, the irreverent author of the pop culture blog, Couch Pundit. Monaco was one of the original bloggers for City Pages, beginning his tenure in April 2003. Couch Pundit features artifacts, sounds clips, and trivia on film, television, and radio programs with Monaco’s sharp wit and humorous delivery. Couch Pundit’s signature feature (and most popular) is the Monday Movie Quiz, in which Monaco provides and sound clip or movie still, with a hint or two, and asks readers to e-mail their answers.

Steve Monaco lived for a period in the Twin Cities, but now resides once again in Des Moines, Iowa. He is a recent inductee into the Iowa Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame for his work as a DJ at the groundbreaking KFMG-FM in Des Moines during the late 60s and early 70s. City Pages is proud to welcome him back to

Contact information:

Corey Anderson
Online Managing Editor
canderson (at)

Steve Monaco
Couch Pundit
couchpundit (at)