Webmaster Aaron Karp and Online Editor Laura Fries turned their Loafing successes and failures into advice on the "Mostly ITP" podcast April 20. Their tips included making podcasts listenable (use segments, include interaction between two or more people, and have a pre-set structure), including advertising in podcasts and blogs (make sure it is inobtrusive and relevant to the audience) and the next big thing (social networking). The show is available for download here.

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Last August, the former executive editor of Flagpole Magazine, an AAN member paper in Athens, Ga., started a subscription-based newsletter. That fast-growing newsletter, the Athens Weekly News, just made its re-debut as a free weekly tabloid. Editor and publisher Brad Aaron announced the change in his op-ed column May 21. The Weekly News will continue to concentrate on local news but will also offer more in-depth news stories, a bigger opinion section, an expanded events calendar with music listings, arts coverage and a classified ads section.

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Brad Aaron has resigned his position at Flagpole Magazine in Athens, Ga., due to "issues with some of our management practices and decisions," Editor and Publisher Pete McCommons writes in the April 23 edition (second item). Aaron's popular column, "City Dope," is "in abeyance," but "may reappear at some future time when government has run amuck and the bat signal beams to the sky," McCommons says.

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