Kathy Y. Wilson has turned "Your Negro Tour Guide: Truths in Black and White," a collection of her columns written for the Cincinnati alt-weekly, into a one-woman play, according to the University of Cincinnati's student paper. Wilson, who teaches at the university, tells The News Record she hopes the seats are filled for this evening's one-time performance: "What can be more important for college students right now in America, in this time of political excitement, with a bi-racial man and a white woman running for president of the United States, than to hear some black woman stand up and talk about the shit that made that all possible: race, gender and class."

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Judge David Stockdale denied a request to drag former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld before a Hamilton County court as a material witness in a trespassing case involving CityBeat news editor Greg Flannery, reports a local Fox affiliate. Flannery was one of seven anti-war protesters arrested after occupying the Cincinnati offices of congressman Steve Chabot, a supporter of the war in Iraq. A lawyer for the defendants admits that it was always unlikely that Rumsfeld would be forced to testify.

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Cincinnati CityBeat News Editor Greg Flannery was one of seven people arrested for criminal trespassing on Sept. 27 when they protested the Iraq War by conducting a sit-in in U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot's Cincinnati office. Now he's asking the former Secretary of Defense to take the stand in his case. "I think testimony about the war that Rumsfeld can offer is essential to our defense, which is that we were breaking the law to stop a much more serious crime," Flannery tells the Cincinnati Post. The trial is set for Jan. 22.

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Hearing that the Vice President was dropping by the chamber of commerce just across the street from their offices last week, CityBeat warmed up the welcome wagon: "We hope to spruce up the exterior of the building so he knows just how welcome he is," News Editor Gregory Flannery wrote on the alt-weekly's blog. Although police clamped down on protestors during Cheney's Oct. 25 speech, an anti-war banner was unfurled from CityBeat windows. A photo of the sign was included in coverage of the speech in the Cincinnati Post and the Cincinnati Enquirer. Of course, it didn't take much detective work to figure out who was behind the banner: Who else would use a semi-colon in a protest sign?

Continue ReadingCincinnati CityBeat Greets Cheney With Peace Sign

Three AAN members in the Buckeye State recently collaborated on election coverage so each could benefit from the others' insight into their "hometown" candidates. In profiles that were published in successive months in all three papers, Cincinnati CityBeat wrote about Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell (pictured); Cleveland Free Times examined Democratic Senate candidate Sherrod Brown; and The Athens NEWS took a close look at Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland. CityBeat editor John Fox talks about how and why he and his fellow editors pooled their resources.

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The Cincinnati alt-weekly is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this week and marks the occasion with a special section that reflects upon some of the paper's noteworthy journalistic achievements -- from saving the life of an innocent man on Death Row to shining a light on a local daily's forfeiture of editorial control to the Chiquita banana company. "Fawning over ourselves with an anniversary issue makes me uncomfortable," co-publisher and editor John Fox writes. "But 10 years of being the liberal voice in a conservative town is something to celebrate."

Continue ReadingCincinnati CityBeat Hits Double-Digits

They need to make a living but can't afford to let the conformity demanded by some day jobs sap their creative spirit. Independent Weekly's Leslie Land, Tucson Weekly's Marc Desilets and others explain the migration of musicians to the classified sales departments of alternative newsweeklies. What's the appeal? Good pay, good vibes -- altogether a decent daylight gig for a breed that Cincinnati CityBeat's Chuck Davis has dubbed "rawker-ad-hawkers."

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"This was the definition of silly," a Republican council member says of the Cincinnati City Council's move to subpoena Leslie Blade to talk about her investigative piece. Having Blade testify brought the council no more information than reading the story, he says. Blade refused to answer a few questions during her half-hour appearance before the council Tuesday but said she wrote the article because "you're talking about public funds—about public trust—and the rules should be followed."

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CityBeat Editor/Co-Publisher John Fox got a lot of advice, both solicited and unsolicited, after reporter Leslie Blade was subpoenaed to testify before the council's Law and Public Safety Committee. It's only the second time in 10 years the council has issued a subpoena to anyone. Blade caught the council's attention with her Dec. 10 cover story on cops who double-billed the city and housing authority. In an editorial this week, Fox says Blade should be proud to discuss the expose with the council, but she won't be sharing names of sources or information not included in her story.

Continue ReadingCityBeat Reporter to Honor Cincinnati City Council’s Subpoena