AAN members are among the media outlets that have become targets of form e-mails generated by RightMarch.com. The messages forcefully state, "in solidarity with the people of free Europe and in support of the concept of freedom of the press, you need to PUBLISH the Danish cartoons." Alt-weekly editors, however, suggest that their only response will be to use the "delete" button.

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Kay Hanley, the former frontwoman of Letters to Cleo (of "Here & Now" fame), has written a new song for Phoenix contributer Brett Milano. The catchy single is titled "Cellars by Starlight," which also happens to be the name of the Phoenix music column that Milano wrote for several years. On her Web site, Hanley said of Milano, "Sure, it could be perceived as pandering, but I adore him and he's a freak and he deserves to have a song written for him." The hand-clapping tune is available in MP3 format on the Phoenix Web site.

Continue ReadingPop Star’s Musical Tribute to Boston Phoenix Columnist