After a decade at The Boston Globe, the media critic left New England's largest daily to take back his old job at The Boston Phoenix. In this piece, Jurkowitz explains why a "middle-aged journalist with mortgages" left the influence and economic benefits of a large paper for an alt-weekly "with fewer resources, less clout, and a smaller audience."

Continue ReadingMark Jurkowitz on Why He Returned

To nobody's surprise, this week's announcement of the New Times-Village Voice Media merger has generated a boatload of coverage from every corner of the Internet. You could keep track of it all with a Google News search, but Google News isn't very good yet at separating wheat from chaff. At we're reading it all, from prosaic news reports to the looniest blog ravings, so we can point you to some of the more interesting coverage while sparing you endless repeats of the AP feed. We will continue to update this page throughout the week.

Continue ReadingA Comprehensive Guide to Merger Coverage

Talk of the Nation, October 27, 2005 · Guests: Mike Lacey, executive editor for New Times; Bill Wyman, assistant managing editor for NPR's Arts Desk; Patty Calhoun, editor, Westword in Denver, Colo.; Tim Redmond, executive editor, San Francisco Bay Guardian weekly.

Continue ReadingThe Future of Alternative Newspapers