Templeton-Cambridge Journalism Fellowships Accepting Applications

The fellowship enables ten print, broadcast, or online journalists annually to pursue an intensive course of study in issues of science and religion. The two-month program includes three weeks of seminars at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. featuring eminent authorities in the field. Fellows will be paid a $15,000 stipend in addition to a book allowance and travel expenses.

The fellowship seeks to promote a deeper understanding and a more informed public discussion of the creative interface of science and religion. During the term of the fellowship, June through July, journalists will have time for independent, private study as well as access to eminent thinkers in an extraordinary intellectual and cultural setting.

Applicants must demonstrate an interest in the field, originality of thought displayed in previous writings, and a superior record of journalistic achievement. The awards are open to journalists, writers, and editors, including freelancers, with a minimum of three years’ experience; priority will be given to mid-career and senior journalists.

Visit the Templeton-Cambridge website for details.