The Boston Phoenix Names America’s 25 Scariest Conservatives

OCTOBER 29, 2008

This Halloween, don’t mind the ghouls or the vampires — the scariest creatures haunting our fair land these days are conservatives.

Oblivious to fact, logic, or reason, these fire-breathing bloviators are using political bogeymen, scare tactics, and scorched-earth ideology to rally their base.

Fortunately, for the moment, it doesn’t seem to be working. The Republican Party is self-destructing, GOP moderates are fleeing the party, and the Democrats are poised to win the White House, the Congress, and the majority of state legislatures and governorships across the land.

But that’s only going to make these conservatives angry — and thus exponentially even more dangerous.

The Boston Phoenix has prepared a field guide of sorts, to help identify the 25 Scariest Conservatives in the country.

Here’s the Top 10:

1. Sean Hannity, talk-show host
2. Richard Lowry, editor, National Review
3. Mike Pence, US Representative, Indiana
4. Matt Drudge, blogger
5. Bill Kristol, editor, Weekly Standard; columnist, New York Times
6. Roger Ailes, president, FOXNews
7. Rush Limbaugh, talk-show host
8. Laura Ingraham, talk-show host
9. Jon Kyl, US Senator, Arizona
10. Jeb Hensarling, US Representative, Texas

To see the full list, read the story on the Phoenix‘s website.

For more information, please contact author David Bernstein (dbernstein (at); 617-450-3251) or Phoenix editor Lance Gould (lgould (at); 617-450-8763).

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