The East Bay Express Announces the Angel Business Builder

Do you have an outstanding business concept, but need a shot of marketing juice to grow it to the next level?

The East Bay Express is currently accepting applications for a new program designed to help exceptional businesses get off the ground in exchange for a share in the growth. The Express will select a limited number of business partners based upon your business plan, what your business offers the community, and the fit with our readership/audience.

How partnership selections will be made:
The Express will carefully screen applications submitted, narrowing it down to a few choices. Those businesses will be contacted to further discuss a potential partnership, including a comprehensive marketing strategy and measures for tracking growth. Companies will be asked to disclose typically confidential information in order to agree upon a method of sharing in the growth.

What you will receive:
Once selected, you will have the East Bay Express as a marketing/community partner. The Express will be a partner subsidizing your local marketing efforts in exchange for seeing a return on the back end when your business grows. The Express has an extensive reach into the East Bay through its print, online, email, cellular, and event marketing channels, all of which will be put to work for your business. You will have access to marketing professionals determined to see you succeed.

How to apply:
To be considered, business owners should prepare a business profile that includes historical facts of the business, biographical details of those involved, and reasons why you believe targeted, local East Bay Express marketing would increase your profits. Not only should your businesses have the potential for quick revenue growth, your mission should include a dedication to “building local community” and “doing good” within the East Bay.

Submissions are now being accepted at Angel (at) Though it is free to apply, partners are limited and the Express will be highly selective in choosing Angel Business Builder partners.