The Media Oxpecker: 14 Links That Will Restore Your Faith In the Media Industry

Every week we round up media news you may have missed while you were busy getting conceptually scooped.

  • Let’s start off with a chart via Business Insider‘s Henry Blodget, who, in his characteristically understated style, writes: “And Now Let Us Gasp In Astonishment At What Just Happened To The Newspaper Business.”

    The chart doesn’t inspire hope, but before we get all gloom-n-doomy, let’s pay a visit to The Atlantic, where everything seems to be going right:

    The Atlantic is interesting in part because of the sheer breadth of things it is doing when it comes to digital, and also when it comes to alternative forms of monetizing its content. And it’s not just experimentation for the sake of experimentation: at a time when declining print revenue is flashing a giant red warning signal for print publishers of all kinds, the magazine also appears to be growing both its traditional revenue and its digital revenue — and by significant amounts. Digital ad revenue grew by almost 50 percent this year. According to publisher David Bradley, The Atlantic‘s revenue has doubled in the last four years to $40 million, and about 65 percent now comes from digital.

    In addition to its healthy stream of digital ad revenue, The Atlantic has diversified into events like the Aspen Ideas Festival.

    Seemingly having the business side figured out, what type of employee does the company seek on the editorial side?

    What we’re looking for, I’ve come to realize, is people who can do a bit of everything: report and write stories; write headlines and deks; select and crop photos; fact check and copy edit the work of others; make charts and graphs; oversee social media; manage outside writers. (And hey, can you do some coding?)

    The upshot: Today, everyone is an editor in chief.

  • When was the last time you booked $2 million worth of ad revenue in a single day? That’s what Gawker did on Tuesday.

  • Digital First Media editor-in-chief Jim Brady has seen your critique of Project Thunderdome and he is not impressed.

  • Oh no he didn’t: BuzzFeed co-founder Jonah Peretti called “a provocative reframing of someone else’s story a ‘conceptual scoop.'”

    Please go on, Mr. Peretti:

    “On social, nobody wants to pass around the rewrite,” he argued. Instead, a lot of what BuzzFeed writers do is come up with a new way to frame an existing scoop. He gave the example of a collection of cat pictures, which doesn’t mean anything given the Internet’s scope of cat pictures. But when framed as “Bet You Can’t Get Through This Post Without Awwing,” old material becomes new.

    And that’s the story of how we get such viral hits as, “21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity,” comprised of photos taken by other people, discovered by Reddit, and “reframed” by BuzzFeed, which reaps the benefits.

    Bet you can’t get through this post without throwing up in your mouth a little bit.

  • Where you live helps shape your news diet, says a new Pew study.

  • “While consumers may be embracing apps more than ever, it doesn’t mean they want to download your branded app.”

  • A redesign of AOL’s Patch will attempt to reposition the hyperlocal network as a “more social, user-driven service.”

  • The Economist has become the second largest title to release a “Consolidated Media Report that presents publications’ total brand footprint across print and digital platforms.”

  • Social media etiquette for journalists.

  • And finally, a powerful IRL tale about meeting the worst kind of person, the internet troll.