The Portland Mercury: Now Distributing Their Papers by Bicycle!

Portland, OR—The Portland Mercury is undertaking a new and exciting method of delivering their downtown newspapers every
week—by bicycle!

In collaboration with Cargo Bike Couriers—a commercial bicycle business that specializes
in delivering urban freight in Portland and beyond—the Mercury has switched
from a van delivery system on their downtown and Northwest routes to using customized
“Icicle Tricycle Cargo Bikes.” These heavy duty bikes are not only capable of delivering
over 10,000 newspapers through the downtown corridor with more speed and
efficiency than vans, they also save hundreds of gallons of gas per year, and delivery is
completed nearly four hours earlier.

“We’re always looking for new ways to push the boundaries of newspaper publishing,
while helping the community,” says Mercury publisher Rob Thompson. “So we ran a
three week trial of the distro-bike system, and it worked great! Cargo Bike Couriers
have far exceeded our expectations. Readers flag them down asking for a copy of the
Mercury. We love it!”

Be on the lookout for these eye-catching trikes embossed with colorful various animals
and the Mercury logo, now delivered every Wednesday morning in downtown
Portland. And feel free to flag them down for a copy.

For more information, please contact Rob Thompson or Katie Lake at 503-294-0840,
or email