Think the AAN Digital Conference Won’t Make You Choke Up With Joy? Think Again.

You won’t believe how the 2014 AAN Digital Conference in San Francisco will make you rethink the alternative news industry. In just one awesome weekend.

You thought you knew everything there was to know about email newsletters, mobile strategy, and digital copyright. Until you attended this conference.

AAN’s annual digital confab will take place January 23 – 25 at the Argonaut Hotel and will feature the top minds in tech, journalism and marketing, but that’s not even the best part. When you register by Friday, Jan. 10, what happens next, is that you’ll get the early registration rate of $225 for members / $250 for non-members.

You’ll watch as Dana Chin (USC Annenberg), Dave Maass (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Elizabeth Osder (Osder Group), Alexa Schirtzinger (Stanford University), Adam Schweigert (Investigative News Network), Trevor Timm (Freedom of the Press Foundation), David Wright (Twitter), and several current/former AAN members share their knowledge. What they have to say might shock you.

And the next time someone tells you a journalism conference can’t be mind-blowingly awesome, show them this.

2014 AAN Digital Conference Schedule & Registration Info

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