Two AAN Members Take 11 NNA Awards

Nashville Scene, San Francisco Bay Guardian recognized

Two AAN members, the Nashville Scene and the San Francisco Bay Guardian, snagged 11 awards, including five first-places, in the NNA’s Better Newspaper Contest non-daily division, announced August 2.

The San Francisco Bay Guardian received three first-place awards. In the Freedom of Information category, the Guardian took first place for its Annual FOI Issue. “This is a complete, comprehensive annual review, update and analysis of FOI activities in the San Francisco area and how government is complying. It is a solid report to the people,” the judges wrote.

A. Clay Thompson took a first in Best Sports Feature Story or Series for “Go Huge,” which the judges called a “nicely developed, off-the-beaten-path feature.” Dan Zoll and Pratap Chatterjee won first place in the Best Business Story category for “The Water Pirates,” which the judges called a “great look at a global issue, which became a community issue.” The Guardian also picked up an honorable mention in Newspaper Promotion.

The Nashville Scene picked up two first-place awards, in the Best Feature Story category for Rob Simbeck’s “Feathers and Blood,” which also received a second place in the 2001 Alternative Newsweekly Awards contest.

Scene columnist Margaret Renkl received a first place in the Best Education/Literacy Story category for “Failing Efforts” about Tennessee’s academic testing program and a second place in the Best Serious Column category for “Truth in Alabama,” a feature on the men accused of the1963 Birmingham church bombing that killed four young girls.

The Scene’s Walter Jowers took a second in the Best Humorous Column category for his Helter Shelter “Making a Stink” column about efforts by Brazilian authorities to combat the smell of urine in public places and a third place in Best Sports Feature Story or Series for “Women at Work,” on women’s softball training.

The paper also received a second place in Headline Writing, (“Original heads. Great grabbers!”) and a third place in Excellence in Typography, (“It’s nice to see ‘fatter’ typefaces used effectively. Great Look! Don’t change anything.”)

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