Village Voice Media Releases True-Crime eBook

Village Voice Media today announced the publication of its first ebook, Seven Sins: An Anthology of True
Crime Stories from Village Voice Media

Seven Sins pulls together some of VVM’s most gripping recent true-crime reporting, including the story
behind a grisly Arizona prison murder, the haunting tale of a young American Muslim woman “honor-killed”
by her own father, and the strange story of a young San Francisco woman so enamored of serial killers that
she became known as America’s most prominent “murder groupie.”

The seven stories in the collection were written by VVM staff writers; the anthology was produced and
distributed in ebook form by Working Press.

“Every year our writers and editors produce some of America’s finest literary journalism, and true-crime
is one of our specialties,” said VVM executive associate editor Andy Van De Voorde.

“We’re excited about ebooks and the potential they have to bring those stories to a wider audience. We
also see them as a great way to spread the word about all the other vibrant content on the websites where
they first appeared.”

Seven Sins is also the first release for Working Press, the Seattle-based ebook publishing company found-
ed this year by online news pioneer Michelle Nicolosi. Working Press specializes in the works of journalists and other prominent writers, and advises news publishers on ebook strategy.

Seven Sins has been awarded Digital Book World’s QED Seal.

Ebooks awarded the QED seal pass a “professional, thirteen-point design review with an eye towards
readability across multiple devices and in multiple formats,” according to the Publishing Innovation Awards

“The QED is the ‘Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval’ for ebooks—it signals to an ebook reader that the
title will render well in whatever their preferred reading format and that they can buy with confidence.”
Seven Sins is available for purchase on Amazon and iTunes for $2.99.