What Makes This Blog Different Than Other Blogs?

1. It is for AAN members only. In fact, the only way to access this blog is to sign in using your AAN username and password, i.e., the same username and password you use to access the members-only areas of AAN.org and AltWeeklies.com.

Why is it for members only? Because the things that I say here will be so explosive — and will rock your world so profoundly — that I didn’t think it was appropriate to unleash it on the public-at-large.

OK, not really.

But there may be times that I write things that are not appropriate for a non-AAN audience for public-relations purposes. Plus …

2. It will focus almost exclusively on matters that only the most dedicated AAN members will be interested in. Like the financial condition of the association. Or what the Advertising Committee is working on. Or who plans to run for AAN Treasurer.

In other words, it’s for the kind of people who wouldn’t think of missing the annual meeting at the AAN convention.

3. It won’t have comments. The reason for that is simple: If you want to comment on something that’s written here, just email me and if it makes sense to do so I’ll post it right here in the blog. Even though it’s called Executive Director’s Blog, it’s actually your blog — The Blog for People Who Want to Get Into the Weeds on All Things AAN.

I’m hoping that it turns out to be a way to keep AAN members informed about the inner workings of their trade association.