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Waiters and waitresses are at the mercy of their customers' egos, whims and moods, but find hideous ways to avenge themselves. Joey Sweeney collects some of their horror stories in Philadelphia Weekly. Restaurant servers "by and large, live the lives that most of us wish we had the balls for. They're actors. They're painters. They're in bands. They're in love. And maybe the rest of us are just jealous of that," Sweeney writes. They give Sweeney the dish on their worst customers ever and how they struck back.

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Marc Keyser, a friendly neighborhood anti-terrorism activist, has been telling Elk Grove residents it’s easy to poison the water supply, Chrisanne Beckner writes in Sacramento News & Review. Local officials say he’s all wet. "Some water officials have even decided that Keyser is so intent on distributing ever more refined plans for attacking the system that he must not be as interested in improving water security as he is in collecting donations door to door," she writes.

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In the post-Napster music piracy era, labels are holding advance CDs for the media until just before their release dates, Matt Borlik of Washington City Paper writes. "It's a concept so backwards, so self-defeating, so abso-fucking-lutely idiotic that only a major label executive could have thought it was a good idea," Borlik says. Not only that, alt-weeklies, which write more about music than any other media, are suddenly finding themselves completely off the advance release lists or having to accept streaming audio instead of CDs.

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"New Times was a full-throated, outsized voice in a tremendously meek media town," longtime New Times LA columnist Jill Stewart writes in the LA Times. She says New Times is the only alt-weekly chain to "hit the news harder with each passing year" and charges other alties "have become increasingly soft and mired in out-of-touch 1970s-era liberal Democratic mantras."

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An alleged cover-up of environmental hazards at the Texas Bureau of Prisons' Federal Medical Center for Women has excruciating consequences for a handful of workers. Fort Worth Weekly's Betty Brink reports that maintenance employees were exposed to high doses of lead while remodeling an unused room into a laundry. The old room still had cabinets lined with inch-thick slabs of lead from its previous use: nuclear medicine. Now two of the workers are critically ill, three workers and one inmate have sued in federal court, and the prison is saying it did nothing wrong.

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How does a geeky guy who rarely leaves the house and generally avoids human contact become a pop-culture icon? It helps if he draws alternative comics, a world where nerds rule, alienation is in, and there's no need to apologize for compulsively alphabetizing your CD collection. The hippest of the unhip these days is Berkeley's Adrian Tomine, a shy Japanese-American with a sardonic wit, Buddy Holly glasses and growing legions of fans who haunt comic-book stores to scoop up his sophisticated tales of Gen-X desperation. East Bay Express staff writer Melissa Hung's story reveals what we secretly already suspected: deep down, nerds are really pretty cool.

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