#AANWeb Day 2

Everybody’s a media company these days, so news publishers should exploit their edge competencies in order to stay relevant, said #AANWeb keynote speaker Terry Heaton yesterday.

But what’s next for news, and how do we build for it?

It’s Friday, January 27, and here’s what you need to know:

8:45 – 9:30 am Morning Coffee

9:30 to 10:15 am
Opening Session

A. Welcome and a Word from our Sponsors

B. Why Marketers (and their Agencies) Will Destroy Us, If We Let Them
Greg Stuart is a recognized leader in digital media & advertising and was selected by Ad Age as one of "10 Who Made Their Mark" in 2006, alongside Chad Hurley and Jay-Z. He is the Global CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association, a worldwide group of brands, agencies, media and carriers who are working together to build the Mobile Marketing channel. Greg is also former CEO of the U.S. based Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the trade group for the interactive advertising & marketing industry. Greg has more than two decades of hands-on operating experience as a proven business builder in the digital media and technology arenas since 1993. He has extensive experience as CEO/director/senior executive roles with Y&R, Sony Online Ventures, Cars.com, Flycast Ad Network and other venture-backed businesses. Ad Age identified his book, "What Sticks: Why Most Advertising Fails and How to Guarantee Yours Succeeds," as the "Number one of 10 books you should have read."

10:30 to 11:10 am
How to Build What's Next for News
Entrepreneurial Journalism, author Mark Briggs will discuss the intersection of journalism and entrepreneurship. It's about the new business models for news and the startups and new projects that are flourishing around us, giving us a preview of what's next for news.

11:15 to 11:45 am
Mobile and Tablet Insights, Tools and Best Practices
Speaker: Grace Dolan, Google

11:45 am to 12 pm
Sponsor Presentation: The Business Side of Open Source Mapping with MapBox
Interactive web maps go beyond giving the geographical context of a news story — they can quickly communicate the complex situation behind a story. Open source mapping tools like MapBox and TileMill make creating custom maps and sharing them online easier than ever. This session will look at the maps and visualizations that can be created with these tools and show how your newsroom can go from a spreadsheet of data to an online interactive map in less than ten minutes. The timing of this is critical, with Google's recent announcement that it's implementing paid usage limits for their maps and adding advertisements for all free map users.
Presenters: Eric Gundersen and Will White, Mapbox

12 to 12:35 pm
Sponsor Presentation: Open Source and Online Publishing: A Match Made in Heaven
Thousands of developers, contributors and people just like you have made Drupal the success it is today. It runs hundreds of thousands of websites, including such household names as Al Jazeera, The Economist, Harvard  University, and thousands of online publications and media sites just like yours.
Presenters: Jenny Hols, ImageX Media, Karen Borchert, Phase2 Technology

12:35 to 1:45 pm
Networking Lunch

1:45 to 2:30 pm (concurrent sessions)
Cool Shit with Data for Free
Sarah Cohen, Duke University's Knight Chair, will lead a session on cool tools to use data and graphics.

1:45 to 2:30 pm (concurrent sessions)

Online Promotions:  What are they, Why do they Matter, and How do they Drive Big Profits?
Advertisers are now media companies themselves…and thus the competition. But right now, there is money to be made and alts are in a good position to own a piece of the market. How do we do so?
Speaker: Matt Coen, co-founder and President of Second Street

2:45 to 3:30 pm (concurrent sessions)
Trends in Digital ads
Website, newsletter, sponsorships and more. We'll discuss what clients are looking for on both a national and local level.
Presenters: Ben Pashman, Centro, and Sarah Kotlova, Digitaria

2:45 to 3:30 pm (concurrent sessions)
What is Your Web Traffic Trying to Tell You? 
Web traffic stats are more than mere circulation reports. Dig past the pageview count, and you'll find a goldmine of data about who your readers are, what they want, and how to engage them. In this session we'll show how easy it is to use tools such as Google Analytics, Clicky, and Chartbeat, to learn about your audience and apply those lessons editorially. We'll also have a live demonstration of real-time analytics, which shows you who's reading what, as it happens.
Panel: Joshua Curry, Charleston City Paper, and Sondra Russell, NPR

3:30 to 4 pm
Exhibitor Break
Here is your chance to visit with our exhibitors and learn about their products and services. 

4 to 4:45 pm
Come share your latest app, multimedia story, creative idea, hire…anything you think is cool. Each participant has three minutes and can choose to show slides or a site or an app. Interested in presenting? Email us at web[at]aan.org

5 to 6 pm
Happy Hour with Exhibitors