Fla. State Attorney Insults Reporter’s Appearance in Response to Critical Blog Post

Florida State Attorney Angela Corey is not happy about a Folio Weekly blog post in which her employees said they felt pressured to sign campaign petitions during their office Christmas Party — a potential violation of state law.

So Corey is taking the high road in response to the post:

In a Jan. 24 phone call to FW editor Anne Schindler, she accused Folio Weekly of libeling her, and said she was rechristening Folio Weekly’s blog Flog “Trog” — a jab at its contributors. She called the Christmas party blog post “hideous” and even took a shot at the appearance of the reporter who wrote the original blog post. “I understand why she is what she is,” Corey raged. “I understand her need to spit venom. I do. I finally saw her for the first time.”

Folio Weekly reports that Corey has also ordered a search of her employees’ emails to uncover the source of the blog post, and tragically, “Some employees theorize that the Folio Weekly piece even prompted Corey to cancel two recent Dress Down Days.”

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