Many alt-weekly editors feel they spend most of their time putting out fires, but Bob Snell is leaving Folio Weekly to do it full-time, literally. Anne Schindler moves from associate editor to editor and says she already misses Snell, a former Peace Corps volunteer who has "a real sensibility about hands-on helping people".

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He's committed no crime, owns a business, has kids and an American wife, and yet Corning, Calif., resident Ali Mubarak, a native of Pakistan, faces deportation because he once roomed with a man with Al-Qaeda ties. "I don't have anything back there. Everything, my family, is all here," Mubarak tells Josh Indar of the Chico News & Review. "I've been here so long. I just want to run my business and take care of my kids."

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"Raffish," "lurid," "biting," "anti-establishment" -- these are some of the adjectives used in conservative Salt Lake City to describe its scrappy alt-weekly, according to Deseret News. Salt Lake City Weekly Publisher John Saltas takes understandable pride in this description as the paper celebrates its 10th anniversary. "It's unprecedented," Saltas tells the daily. "It merely validates just how important it is to continue telling those stories" that touch sensitive nerves. "We ought to be fair," Managing Editor Christopher Smart says, "but we certainly don't profess to be objective."

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