Brian Clarey Laid Off as Editor of YES! Weekly

YES! Weekly editor Brian Clarey has been let go after nine years with the paper. Clarey had been with the Greensboro, N.C. alt-weekly since its launch in 2005.

“It is a sad day, but one that we both knew was coming,” said YES! Weekly publisher Charles Womack in an email to AAN:

Since day one, he and I had been trying to get the paper to a more solid profitable foundation. We had our ups and downs business wise, but kept on trying. Within these business discussions, we talked about cost cutting and change and things that would need to be successful. The economy has not seen much improvement and it was time for a change for the both of us.

I’ve been extremely proud to work with Brian and to be a part of some really amazing things. With our small, close knit staff, he and I forged a unique relationship. We went through many wonderful times and did a lot of growing up together. He was always there and always ready with new ideas and insight. We were like brothers. As everyone knows, brothers defend each other, fight for each other, support each other, love each other, and fight hard with each other. But with our relationship, we always got it back on track and moved forward with a joke and a new topic.

This situation is no different. Both of us will dust off our boots, drive forward and accomplish everything we were meant to accomplish. We may not see each other for a while, but when we do I’m sure we can sit down for a drink and catch up.

“The decision was a long time coming, and I bear no ill will,” said Clarey in a letter addressed to media and friends. “Nine years ago, almost to the day, Charles took a chance on me, a 30-year-old freelancer with a young family, and gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. I will forever be grateful. This has been the best job I ever had in my life.”

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