Indy Give! Donation Benchmark Surpassed

2010 Indy Give! campaign surges past 2009 Inaugural year final total

We’re celebrating at the Colorado Springs Independent today…the Indy Give! campaign has officially just crossed the $198,698 mark, last year’s grand total. That’s right, over 2,900 donations have flooded our nonprofit community through the Indy Give! campaign. The Colorado Springs Independent launched Indy Give! on November 1, 2009 and
has seen it grow and be embraced by our community.

During the last seven weeks, over 1,690 people have donated funds, volunteered or committed to help local nonprofits in our community. And we want to celebrate these efforts along with our media partners and the hard work of the participating nonprofits and their champions.

Although the Indy Give! campaign has crossed this important threshold we have just 8 days to go as we focus on reaching our final 2010 goal of $333,333.34 (over a third of a million dollars)!

Visit to see the 40 incredible non-profits selected to be part of the 2010 Give! campaign and Give!
Community members can select one, two or multiple non-profits and make a donation online in a single, easy transaction. And if, in this admittedly difficult economy, you cannot give much, or at all, no worries. There are plenty of valuable opportunities to volunteer as well.

Giving can be made via this secure web site, and all funds are held by the Pikes Peak Community Foundation, until mid-January 2011, when non-profit organizations will be paid 100% of funds citizens donate at an event sponsored by the El Pomar Foundation.

Goals of 2010 Give! Campaign

· to encourage people who do not regularly give to donate time and money, with a particular emphasis on getting those in their 20s and 30s to become philanthropists.

· to educate our community about the important work performed by local non-profits

· to provide a Pikes Peak philanthropic platform which will make giving back to our community easy, enjoyable and effective

About Indy Give: Give! is the Colorado Springs Independent‘s year-end multimedia and guerilla marketing campaign designed to generate funds, volunteers and applause for the important work local nonprofits perform.

About the Independent: The award-winning Colorado Springs Independent is the Pikes Peak region’s largest locally owned newspaper, with 125,000 regular readers. Available for free at nearly 900 locations around town after 6 AM every Thursday or online every day at

Jack Ward
Director of Marketing & Promotions
Colorado Springs Independent
Live Here. Give Here.

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