San Francisco Bay Guardian's Bruce Brugmann has been named as one of the honorees of Columbia Journalism School's annual Alumni Awards.
The East Bay Express announced the departure of longtime editor Stephen Buel. Managing editor Kathleen Richards and staff writer Robert Gammon will take over as co-editors.
In a six to one decision, the California Supreme Court has denied SF Weekly's petition to review the $22 million judgment against it.
As the ongoing legal dispute between SFBG and SF Weekly continues to wind its way through the courts, the San Francisco Chronicle runs a Sunday profile on Bruce Brugmann.
San Francisco Bay Guardian founder and publisher Bruce Brugmann calls the reporting in this week's anniversary issue, "the Guardian at its best."
The East Bay Express is the exclusive media sponsor of California's Electionland, a nonpartisan social-media web site where voters can ask and answer questions on everything related to the upcoming elections in California.
Design consultant Ron Reason checks in with a post describing two alt-weeklies he found circulating in the Nevada desert.
Morgan owned the Maine Times and Casco Bay Weekly, both of which are now defunct.
In his New York Times column, David Carr pays a visit to the San Francisco Bay Guardian's Bruce Brugmann.